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We are making great efforts to reduce any negative impact our products may have on our world

We consider the environment at every stage of the product lifecycle starting with how a product is designed.
Eco-friendly design and manufacture features are an important source of pride and Bluebird identity for Client living in this planet.

Also prominent eco-friendly policy inspires decent clients' learning aboutEnvironmental issues and their wider understanding of sustainability.
We Bluebird are fully aware of our customers concern for the preservation of an eco-friendly earth for The next generation.
So we are marking great efforts to reduce any negative impact our products may have on our world.

Bluebird‘s Eco-friendly Vision

Introduction phase

  • Focused on End of Pipe
  • Environment management BP

Advancing phase

  • Proclamation of eco-friendly policy
  • Introduction of eco-friendly
    system & vision establishment

Systematization phase

  • Notice of low-carbon results
  • Sustainable products
  • Eco labeling

Full maturity phase

  • Analysis of environmental
    effect through product LCA
  • Establishment of BEMS System
  • Management of supply
    chain environment
  • Early reduction of GHG

Eco-friendly Management

Ever since the proclamation for eco-friendly management in 2020, Bluebird has been joining environment-related initiatives
and organizations home and abroad, and has been participating actively.

Furthermore, all of its manufacturing and production facilities holds the International Organization for Standard’s ISO14001
(Environment Management System), and is conducting eco-friendly management planning and monitoring that is suitable to
international standards.

In 2020, it has reinforced the eco-friendly management promotion organization to focus on eco-friendly products and services.

Compliance to

  • Focused on post-management
  • Establishment of prevention system Efficient environment management
  • Voluntary environment preservation


  • Utilization of environment as strategic issue
  • Trade barrier of environment


  • Response to RoHS2
  • Response to environment
  • Establishment of system and process


  • Focus on sustainable management (Economics/Society/Environment)

Introduction of eco-friendly management system

  • Enactment of Bluebird’s eco-friendly management policy
  • Application of ISO standards(ISO14001)

Please contact Bluebird Quality Assurance Team for detailed inquiries (BEMS@bluebirdcorp.com)

Download eco-friendly management policy

Eco-friendly Design / Manufacturing


substance during


in component

eco-friendly way



All of Bluebird’s products are IoT-based, in order to provide eco-friendly products that reduce the waste of resources, such as unnecessary documents A mobile system that has
wireless access to paper-based systems is used to eliminate the use of paper from areas such as promotion, orders, invoices, payments, production management, tracking and data
management, and enable use in various sites

Environmental Compliances

Bluebird is working with customers, suppliers and third parties to minimizing
the environmental impact through achieving environmental compliances.
Dedicated business and project teams have been established to manage the compliance process.

What is WEEE?

WEEE is Directive 2002/96/EC
of the European Parliament on Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment.

The WEEE directive mandates the collection
and treatment of electronic and electrical
equipment at end-of-life.

Producers of EEE products will face strict
new compliance rules for collection, dismantling
and recovery of waste equipment across ten
broad categories, including IT and telecoms,
electrical tools and instrumentation products.

This portion of the legislation went into effect
August 13, 2005 with non-compliance resulting
in penalties.

What is RoHS?

The RoHS Directive (Restriction of Hazardous
Substances) seeks to prevent the sale
and use of products in the European Union
market containing materials and chemicals
deemed harmful to the environment.

RoHS 1 directive has been in effect
since July 1, 2006. Under the RoHS Directive,
the EU has banned the use of lead, cadmium,
mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB1 and PBDE2
flame-retardants in all EEE put on the EU markets
except for certain exempted applications.

In addition, RoHS 2 has restricted DEHP, BBP, DBP
and DIBP since July 22, 2019.

What is REACH?

REACH is the registration, evaluation,
authorization and restriction of chemicals
to enhance innovation and competitiveness
of the EU chemicals industry.

REACH aims to improve the protection
of human health and the environment through
the better and earlier identification
of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances.